Due Diligence 2017

Updated on March 31, 2017 by Annette Cooper

Danger & Opportunity

The Chinese have two brush strokes that combine to form the word “Crisis”. One stands for danger and one stands for opportunity.
I like this term because it illustrates the nature of some outstanding opportunities in this economic climate to purchase real estate; and those who can should take advantage of this “buying window”.
There has never been a better time for an occupant to take advantage of the 90% leverage SBA loans and a great time for astute investors willing to take a prudent risk.

How to protect yourself when purchasing new real estate becomes a lot simpler after you put together a Due Diligence road map to assist you in accomplishing your real estate goals.

Due Diligence List

The following is a Due Diligence list to help you formulate your buying strategy:
•    Know your market; Educate yourself; Loopnet and MLS; Review all your options; Drive the neighborhood and area.

•    Make sure you understand the sales contract (every clause, don’t just sign).

•    Access your Buying Power, and know all your options – talk to a few lenders; get the best option. UNDERSTAND THE PRE-PAYMENT PENALITIES in your loan documents.

•    Be present for the physical inspections – be there if possible to observe, report, and ask questions.

•    Review the preliminary title report; go over each item; obtain microfiche detail of all exceptions, easements, etc.

•    Review a copy of CC&Rs, association documents, all leases documents. Make sure you understand all options that run with the leases.

•    Check closing papers for interest, bond and tax prorations.

•    Verify size of site, the building and property boundaries.

•    Check if property is in Alquist-Priolo area and/or Federal Floor Insurance map area. Make appropriate disclosures to Buyer and Seller. Provide a Natural Hazards Disclosure Report.

•    Buyer to obtain a Phase I investigating the hazardous waste risk for all sites and of all buildings, if necessary.

•    Check the deed for correct legal description of what property is being conveyed. Very important!

•    Make sure the Liquidated Damages Clause are initialed and written in a bold type or on a separate sheet.

•    Obtain environmental clearance, zoning verification,and General Plan compliance.

•    Make sure you obtain Estoppels indicating the leases are in full force and effect, if applicable.

Buy and Wait

Don’t hesitate to hire a qualified professional to lead your team!

Don’t wait to buy real estate and buy; BUY REAL ESTATE AND WAIT.

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